Dolazni i odlazni letovi obustavljeni su na aerodromu Orio al Serio u Bergamu, u blizini Milana, nakon incidenta koji se odnosio na let iz Barselone.
Britanski putnici opisali su haotične scene nakon što su “sve četiri” gume na avionu Rajanera eksplodirale pri sletanju u Italiju.
Dramatične slike prikazuju putnički avion sa nedostajućim gumama i točkovima nakon što je očigledno strugao duž piste, koja je takođe oštećena.
#Breaking A Ryanair B-737 burst several tires when landing at Bergamo (Italy). No one was injured. Avherald reported that jet is “disabled”, with damage on all main tires and that “runway was also damaged, over a distance of 450 meters/1500 feet”. Aircraft was [Registration…
— Air Safety #OTD by Francisco Cunha (@OnDisasters) October 1, 2024
#Breaking A Ryanair B-737 burst several tires when landing at Bergamo (Italy). No one was injured. Avherald reported that jet is “disabled”, with damage on all main tires and that “runway was also damaged, over a distance of 450 meters/1500 feet”. Aircraft was [Registration…
— Air Safety #OTD by Francisco Cunha (@OnDisasters) October 1, 2024